The Title of my blog is Clusters of Stuff. I'm sure many of you are wondering, "why in the world did she pick that, and what does it mean?"
Well, after this post you will find out.
I like stuff and have clusters of it.
The End.
But for real, I do really like "stuff" and I really do have a ton of clusters of it. Not to the hording point, but sometimes close if I don't keep my room picked up. >_<
So what kind of stuff do I like, you ask? Crafting/sewing stuff, koala stuff, cat stuff, blankets, and records. I love going to garage sales, estate sales (FAVORITE!), thrift stores, and flea markets. How I fit all this "stuff" I have in my tiny room is beyond me, but somehow it sorta finds a nice place to be in my room.
For a Visual Aid...Here is my room b4 i picked it up one day. (It was at a really really bad point in messyness)
And now for an After pic. (And after that time, it's only been that bad once. I now keep it pretty clean b/c who wants to clean that?!??!)
Some think it's crazy that I post up pics of whatever I want. I'm not embarassed by how I live. I have flaws, and so does everyone else. I just happen to be public about mine. :-P
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