Saturday, November 12, 2011

Catching up.....kinda.

WoW!!! It's been a while!  I've been meaning to get on here and type but to be quite frank, I have just been too tired (meaning lazy).  

So here's a list (b/c I LOVE making lists) of what has been happening in my life.

1.  My 2 kittens have taken over my life and are cute and rambunctious as can be. They are my "little monsters".

Thyme and Mrs. Dash watching the leaves blow by.
Also looking for Alvin, the chipmunk that lives behind the house.

Thyme is in 'the wave' and Mrs. Dash is on the right.

2.  Community College. Classes. School. Or as I like to call it, "Coolage".  (Inside joke between my dad and I. "You are not cool unless you go to Coolage." or "I'm going to Coolage to get cool." And of course, "I'm going to Coolage to get more 'knew-ledge'")  This has been taking a lot of my time due to my Major now being AAS in CIS. I'd like to get into computer programming.  Yep. I love computers that much. If I won a million dollars...they first thing I'd buy would be a brand new high top computer.  I'm talking $2000 plus...and that's just for the tower. I'd upgrade my 19" wide monitor to bigger and better of course. But I wouldn't replace my mouse...I love it too much.  The keyboard would be replaced though...with a back lit keyboard.  Yep. I'm a nerd and LOVE every minute of it.  [Okay, on to a new subject o_0]

This is my mouse.
The Razer Naga.
Totally worth the money!

3.  Work. Unless you are that 1% of the population that is rich and don't have to work, or you are a lazy piece of shit and think everything should be handed to you, you know what this 'work' thing I speak of is.

4.  Sleep. I LOVE sleep and naps. The kittens have figured out that I am excellent at sleeping and they now like to take naps with me.  Although their naps are not as long as mine are.

Dash saying, "Please close the blinds and curtians mommy! It's too bright!"
Thyme sleeping on my purple blankie.

5.  My computer and computer games.  Recently I have been playing Minecraft. It sucks me in. I'm addicted for sure, but not extremely addicted. (Okay, maybe just a little.)  :)

My House.
I mined everything for it.
I think using creative mode is like cheating.
This is my Huge Greenhouse.
Inside I have rows of Pumpkins, Melons, and Wheat.
This was also crafted by hand, and is also farmed by hand.
And a side view of my house.

6.  Trying to have a social life. I try. I have a few select real friends who I click with really well and love love love them to death.

For now that is all I can think of. There's more though. Maybe I shall talk about the luck I am having with my car, or the new project that I am working on, or some of the crafts I have made....

Anyways, I'll leave ya with a saying that just popped into my head and that I love saying.

"Don't let the door hit ya, where the Good Lord split ya!"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My First!

Saturday marked a VERY big date for me!!! I had a first and have been wanting this one for VERY long time.

I am one of those people who like to experience everything.  When someone smelling candles says, "This smells gross, smell it," I am the person to smell how gross it smells.  I LOVE trying the Harry Potter Bertie Bott's Jelly Beans, every flavor.  I am willing to smell anything and taste just about anything [there are exceptions of course]. 

Ever played that game "Never have I Ever?"

I have.  And one that always gets people is Never Have I Ever "Had a Brain Freeze."  I have always wanted one and have tried tons of times.  I only get what I call a throat freeze.  Bacically my throat gets really cold and hurts just a tad. 

Saturday night, after Casey and I got done painting pottery, we were both starving and chose to eat at BK. (Burger King for those of you that are wondering what the heck "BK" is.) 

We both are ICEE Lovers and, naturally, had to get one
 b/c after's just one buck! 

We get our food and are eating and chatting about who knows what when all of a sudden BAM! My brain is freezing! I'm holding my head, my eyes are about to water, and I don't know what to do to make it stop.  I look up at Casey, who is in the middle of a story, and interrupt her by saying, "I think I'm having a brain freeze!" She is just puzzled by my reaction as I was sitting there holding my head, my eyes now filled up with tears of joy and pain, and I had a huge smile of excitment on my face.  I was filled with a huge amount of joy because I have NEVER had a brain freeze before and have always wanted to experience one.  Everyone always tells me, "You don't want one, they hurt, it's horrible, etc."  I didnt care, it's one of those things that I have always wanted to experience.  And Saturday, August 13, at 24 years old, I had finally achieved this sort of "goal" of mine.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What Makes Me 'Smiling-Ear-To-Ear' Happy

Most Mondays I really dislike. But today was a pretty damn great Monday. 

First of all, I only had to work 4-6.  I was originally scheduled to work 1:30-6.  Yeah, I don't get those hours back, but it was nice to take a long nap today.

Next thing that made this day so great was a shopping trip that I saved some money on.  And you, YES YOU!!!, get to read about it.

[taking a step back in time]
So here I was Saturday night trying to stack coupons at Walgreens and my plan backfired and they wouldn't accept my coupon.  (I was FUMING when this happened and even spoke to a Manager.)  Anyways, I then posted up on a Facebook wall [Clippin' With Carrie's Website] about this fiasco and the replys were to hand over the manufacture coupon first and then the Walgreens coupon. Thanks to them I got a Magnum Double Caramel Ice Cream Bar for 89 CENTS!!!  (I saved $1.50) 

(I'm doing my favorite dance move right now:  Raising The Roof!!!)

Anyways, my Walgreens shopping trip got even better!!! 

It's that time of the month where I have to go get my new Nuva-Ring.  My copay is $45. (and YES, the ring is SOOOOO worth it)  Also on their website they have a $15 off coupon.  I always have this with me and use it each time, making me pay only thirty bucks. 

So I'm standing there waiting for a turn to get my prescription and I'm playing on my phone when I here someone say," for (my last name) right?"  I look up and it's the hot guy that knows my name AND my car  (Story to come later about the car). LoL  His name tag says it's Austin, so I'm guessing that's his name.  Anyways, I tell him that if the coupon doesn't work then that's fine b/c there is a 6 time 'using it' limit.  He types it in the computer (the only person that I know that is super fast with typing in all the information for this coupon) and then comes and rings me up.  I have my card all ready to swipe to pay and he says "actually for some reason your total is free today".  FREE is one of my favorite words.  I say okay and thanks and leave smiling & grinning ear to ear. 

Now I'm not sure if he did something in the computer to make it free or what, but I got a $45 prescription for FREE + an Ice cream bar for $0.89! 

Naturally when I got to my car I HAD to tell someone about all this and called up Casey. This is her Blog  She could hear the excitment in my voice and was happy for me.  I then told her I was gonna blog about this awesome trip because I was so excited, and so here I am. 

Oh did I mention that I made this trip, from home to Walgreens to back home, in 30 minutes or less???

Oh yeah.  It was a Magnificent Monday for sure.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's Up With That Title?!?!?

The Title of my blog is Clusters of Stuff.  I'm sure many of you are wondering, "why in the world did she pick that, and what does it mean?"

Well, after this post you will find out.

I like stuff and have clusters of it.

The End.


But for real, I do really like "stuff" and I really do have a ton of clusters of it.  Not to the hording point, but sometimes close if I don't keep my room picked up. >_<

So what kind of stuff do I like, you ask?  Crafting/sewing stuff, koala stuff, cat stuff, blankets, and records.  I love going to garage sales, estate sales (FAVORITE!), thrift stores, and flea markets.  How I fit all this "stuff" I have in my tiny room is beyond me, but somehow it sorta finds a nice place to be in my room.

For a Visual Aid...Here is my room b4 i picked it up one day. (It was at a really really bad point in messyness)

And now for an After pic. (And after that time, it's only been that bad once. I now keep it pretty clean b/c who wants to clean that?!??!)

Some think it's crazy that I post up pics of whatever I want.  I'm not embarassed by how I live.  I have flaws, and so does everyone else.  I just happen to be public about mine. :-P

Here I Go!

Hello Internet World!!!
 In this post, I shall tell a little bit about myself, but only a little bit.  You will have to read the other blogs I post up in order to fully understand me and my personality.

So I got the idea of making a blog from my BFF Casey [Her Blog].  I didn't want to copy her but I thought to myself, "her blog is so awesome and I would LOVE to make one too!"  So after a conversation with her I got the hint that it would be okay to copy her and also make a blog.  She did warn me though, that it's very addicting and fun but she knows I love addicting things and fun things...especially when it came to computers.  And so, here I am.

Number:  5
Color:  Purple
Soda:  Coca-Cola
Food:  Cheese, Crab legs, & Pasta (not cold pasta though)
Season:  Winter
Movie:  The Santa Clause
Pet Animal:  Cats
Wild Animal:  Koala
Item of Clothing:  Socks
Alcoholic Drink:  UV Pink Lemonade Vodka mixed with Country Time Strawberry Lemonade
Holiday:  Christmas

[All my favorites +…]
Coupons and saving money
Collecting Bicentennial Quarters, Hotel Soap, Dutch Shoes from Holland, and paper coasters
Computers and computer technology

Using a metal utensil when eating dessert, pudding, or yogurt
People who don’t use their blinkers
People who don’t know how to drive, especially getting on the highway and 4-way stops
Mushy noodles
That noise a knife and fork make when being used for cutting on a plate

That is all I can think of for now…I know right after I post this a million things will pop into my head.